Posts for Tag: optionals

Simple Library Free JSON Parsing in Swift

Parsing JSON in Swift without adding libraries could be tricky and annoying at least until nil coalescing was added and optional chaining was upgraded late in the original betas but that really isn't the case at least since Swift 1.0 was final. There are clearly a wide range of JSON libraries for Swift ranging from SwiftyJSON which just tidies up extractions from deep in nested structures to Argo which will feel comfortable for those coming from Haskell and look clever but be hard to read for those not familiar with the syntax.

I want to show people that there is really nothing very tricky or ugly about parsing JSON data in Swift even without libraries to help.

This post was trigger by seeing Jameson Quave's new lightweight Luma library and the syntax in the project readme (at the time of writing) would work without a added library on the result of parsing with Cocoa's included NSJSONSerialization class. Please note that there is nothing wrong with the Luma library or anything I have seen written about it but I wanted to make clear how lightweight it is and how easy these things are to do without using a library at all.

I confirmed that the syntax was available in the Playground without using the library and there is no problem just using exactly the same syntax on the dictionary you get back from NSJSONSerialization as in the Luma example. The only difference in the presentation of printing the parsed structures.

Beyond if let

I've given my Beyond if let talk based on my How I Handle Optionals blog post about handling optionals in Swift twice this week. I was probably a more dynamic speaker in the NSLondon talk but the content is pretty similar. I may have been a bit slower and more methodical at the Swift London one though. Let me know if anything isn't clear in either of them or if you have any tips or suggestions (speaking  or Swift).

Vimeo of talk at NSLondon. Questions from 13:30. [Updated to replace Livestream feed with this.]