Posts for Tag: os x

Swift Arrays are not Threadsafe

Swift arrays are not necessarily contiguous blocks of memory (although they may be in some cases so some code may work in some cases but not in others). Some operations may trigger them to be converted to a contiguous block of memory and I believe that is what can particularly cause issues when there is access from multiple threads.

[Update - This post is more popular than I expected (thanks Reddit). I've added some additional notes at the bottom. Also the previous post about optimisation is probably more interesting and valuable.]

Even the code as described here may not work (and I haven't tested at all) when there are multiple reads or writes that access the same elements of the array. All the code I used was either reading from a constant array (safe from multiple threads/queues) or writing into non-overlapping ranges with no reads occurring (only seems safe with the technique described here).


Swift Optimisation Again - Slides from Swift London 21st October 2014

Update (23rd October 2014) - Now with video link HERE.

Swift optimisation presentation refined and developed further.

Please contact me if you want the source version and please let me know if you make use of it or find it useful.

Description of the demo from a previous event. Note that for Xcode 6.1 you will need to use the 0x, 1x, 2x and fullSpeedXC61 branches instead of the 0, 1, 2 and fullSpeed branches respectively. Likewise master currently has an Xcode 6.1 version although I will probably merge that to the real master shortly.