Posts for Tag: actor

AsyncSequence -> Combine - equivalence (Part 1)

One of the interesting things from WWDC this year in not just that Swift is adopting AsyncSequence but that Apple is fully behind it rather than further expanding support for Combine. This raises some interesting questions for the future of Combine, whether it is just destined to be a niche feature just supporting SwiftUI in particular ways, gets completely deprecated in future. This series (possibly just pair) of blog posts is going to compare the two by means of implementing mappers in both ways between them.

[Update: Marin Todorov has a nice post about the reverse if you want to get ahead on that.] 

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While I haven't had the opportunity to use it in a real project yet I'm really liking the look of AsyncSequence and the whole of the structured concurrency approach.

These mappers will be implemented as raw conformances because the point is for me to learn and understand more. There may be better, more efficient or simpler approaches but I want to look into the details of how they work. I'll follow up if I find significantly better ways to do it.

Resuming continuations from actors doesn't work (Beta1-2)

One thing that has delayed this post is having hit some non-deterministic bugs I lost confident in my understanding of the Structured Concurrency and didn't want to share widely until I had established that the issues I was seeing were related to Swift/MacOS bugs rather a deadlock I was introducing by doing something substantially wrong.